API enchantment with JavaScript

Content in progress.

1. The Fetch API

Fetch API GET request:

Request: call fetch(<path>). Response: a stream of data in a format of a file (JSON, plain text, HTML, XML, PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, PDF, CSV, binary files and error responses [status code]).

Image from the web example:

    <img src="" id="rainbow">
        catchRainbow().then(response => {console.log('all good!')})

        async function catchRainbow(){
            const response = await fetch('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/Double-alaskan-rainbow.jpg/1200px-Double-alaskan-rainbow.jpg')
            const blob = await response.blob()
            document.getElementById('rainbow').src = URL.createObjectURL(blob)

.txt file from the same domain example:

    <p id="rainbow"></p>

        async function catchRainbow(){
            const response = await fetch('/index.txt')
            const text = await response.text()
            const printedResponse = String(text)
            document.getElementById("rainbow").innerText = printedResponse

Parsing and logging a .csv file from /:


async function getData(){
    const response = await fetch('fileName.csv') //ask for it
    const data = await response.text()           //treat the data, in this case text
    console.log(data)                            //do something with it

    const table = data.split('\n').slice(1)      //spliting it by line break `\n`
    table.forEach(row => {                       //array.forEach(splitedProduct => { 
        const columns = row.split(',')           //split again separating it by columns}
        const year = columns[0]                  //defining what the first column is
        const temp = columns[1]                  //defining what the second column is
        console.log(year, temp)                  //logging it

Parsing and logging a .csv file from web server:


    async function getData () {
        const response = await fetch('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/petry078/exercicios-javascript/main/planilha.csv')
        const data = await response.text()
        const table = data.split('\n').slice(1)

            table.forEach(elt => {
                const columns = elt.split(',')
                const year = columns[0]
                const temp = columns[1]
                console.log(year, temp)

Last Updated:
Contributors: Guilherme M. Petry